Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Giants won the Series. My softball team....well, we had a good time.

For those of my fabulous reader who know me well, (which is probably 4 out of 5 of you) you know that I have a limited abilities in any kind athletic competition. And that's what you would say if you wanted to be extremely generous with your description. Having said that, I feel that it's important for me to let you all in on a little secret:

I've been on a softball team for approximately two seasons. I say approximately, because after the first season, I decided to make an appearance at exactly one game in the second season. Nevertheless, this is a big deal. Why I thought that getting up every Sunday morning to play softball (a game that I have no natural talent for) would be fun, is a still a mystery, but I did it.

Some of my personal highlights included being heckled for wearing pearls while at bat,  hitting myself in the head with a foul ball, and looking like I should be in the Special Olympics or pre-K little league for the first 4 games because I didn't have a left handed glove and I was throwing with my non-dominant hand (side note: after I got my left-handed glove, I think the other teams assumed that a miraculous healing had taken place).

But alas, there's no I in TEAM, so that's enough about me. My beautiful teammate Liz has quite a flair for writing (and wicked softball skills as well), and she managed to document our team adventures pretty comprehensively with her camera, so if you want to see/read a fun little post about  30 of our friends and our shining achievements as the Louisville Chuggers, click here: http://elizabethabend.blogspot.com/2010/10/pack-up-gear.html

I promise you won't be disappointed.

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