Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Directions for what to do in the rain.

In case you haven't noticed or you aren't in Southern California at the moment, it's Day 6 of Rainpocalypse 2010. Which basically means God is drowning LA for it's sins, the chief offenses being traffic, lack of holiday cheer, and the city of Santa Monica charging $61 for parking tickets, but I digress.

To put it another way, here's a quote from my friend Matranga,  "It's like seattle coughed in SoCal's face and infected us with its rain disease." He's an eloquent fellow.

At my work I'm on the Emergency Response Team, and even though this is not even close to an emergency, that means I'm qualified to handle situations like epic California rainstorms and the occasional papercut, so listen up, kids:

1. Stay in bed. Under no circumstances should you proceed with business as usual.

2. Eat comfort food (see previous post if you need help with this).

3. Don't get in your car if you can help it. Only venture out in rain to buy more food, or jump in puddles, or play mud football.

4. If you can't do numbers 1-3 because you are at work (ahem), then take solace in this wonderful, soothing, Rain Days Playlist that I made.  I promise it's even better than the Christmas one (but no, it doesn't have any Destiny's Child Platinum Bells on it. I know some of you will ask).

5. Stay dry, and remember, it's only 3 days til Christmas!

xoxo, BCG